Plastering (Gib Stopper)

Plaster Repair Auckland

We Plaster Houses & Offices Every Day

Auckland Ecopainter Limited is a professional painting and plastering company dedicated to improving every residential and commercial property we work on. Our experience plasterers have years in plastering every kind of indoor and exterior surface and preserving the life of your home with high-quality materials. We will create lasting improvements regardless of the type of exterior cladding on your house.

We can do simple jobs as fixing a single wall or corner space to replacing complete rooms for all residential or commercial spaces. With experienced plasterers, we complete jobs faster and at economical rates saving our clients time and money.

PLEASE NOTE: Our plasterers may revise the quote after an on-site inspection, if extra work is required. We prefer vacant space to work in. Interior house plastering service does not include any major repairs, painting of exteriors and cupboards and cabinets. Providing parking for our van is the customer’s responsibility – additional costs for parking will be passed onto the customer as part of the job.

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1000+ Jobs in 10+ Years.
On Time & On Budget